yL23411永利官网登录王丁喜教授课题组与意大利帕多瓦大学Ernesto Benini教授课题组交流报告会
1) Huang Huang Flutter mechanisms for a wide chord fan
2) Sen Zhang A new harmonic balance approach for analyzing the almost periodic flows within turbomachines
3) Dongming Cao Investigation of Non-synchronous Vibration of Compressor Blades Based on Blade Tip Timing System
4) Hangkong Wu Multi-Row Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Design Optimization Using an Efficient and Accurate Discrete Adjoint Solver
5) Yuxuan Zhang Optimization of Explicit Runge-Kutta Coefficients For Steady/HB Euler Equations
6) Francesco De Vanna URANOS: a LES-based solver for highly-compressible viscous flows
7) Andrea Magrini Propulsion Aerodynamics, Turbomachinery, Optimisation
8) Marco Casoni Reduced order models for aeroelastic computations in high-speed compressors and fans
9) Filippo Avanzi Design, optimization and validation of high performance waterjets using cfd solvers and tank tests
Ernesto Benini graduated with honours in Mechanical Engineering (1996) and obtained his PhD in Energy Technology (2000) at the University of Padova, Italy. He is currently professor of “Propulsion Machines” at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova. He has more than twenty years of experience in the research and development of advanced methods for the design of fluid machines. He is Principal Investigator of numerous private and European research projects, as well as a scientific advisor to major international companies in the propulsion sector. Member of ASME, AIAA and AHS. He serves as Associate Editor of authoritative scientific journals such as ASME “Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power” and he is member of the Editorial Board of the Top1 Journal in Aerospace Engineering, “Progress in Aerospace Sciences”. Author and co-author of about 300 scientific publications concerning the Fluid Dynamics of Machines. He has also been granted with 12 international patents. He has received numerous awards for his academic and scientific activity, including numerous “Best Paper Awards”, the gold medal for the best Academic Curriculum and the New York Academy of Sciences nomination for the “Outstanding young researchers” award. He has been recently included in the Top 2% most cited scientists worldwide according to the Scopus/Stanford ranking.